1 Feb Day Special [2022]- NATIONAL FREEDOM DAY

National Freedom Day, always observed on Feb first, celebrates freedom from slavery. In addition, it realizes that America is symbolic of liberty. Every day honors the signing by Abraham Lincoln subsequently subsequently subsequently in the joint House and Senate resolution that later elevated to obtain the 13th Amendment for that U.S. Metabolic process. President Lincoln subsequently subsequently subsequently signed the Amendment outlawing slavery on Feb 1, 1865. It was not ratified using the states, however, until afterwards December 18, 1865.

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as being a punishment for crime whereof the party shall are really duly billed, shall exist within the u . s . states . States, or anywhere vulnerable to their jurisdiction.” ~ 13th Amendment

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  • Think about the freedoms found in the u . s . states . States.
  • Attend a nationwide Freedom Day ceremony.
  • Find out about or go to a documentary regarding the 13th Amendment.
  • Visit an gallery or museum displaying pieces inspired using the 13th Amendment.
  • Attend a forum or lecture to speak about the 13th Amendment that is impact, from time to time.
  • Begin to see the 13th Amendment inside the whole.
  • Educate someone regarding the 13th Amendment.
  • Discuss or discuss the 13th Amendment within the social networking publish, broadcast, or article.
  • Use #NationalFreedomDay to create on social networking.


A vintage slave named Major Richard Robert Wright, Sr. produced National Freedom Day. Major Wright was considered like a great leader in your town. It had been believed by Major Wright, this time ought to be celebrated.

Feb first holds significance because which was the date Abraham Lincoln subsequently subsequently subsequently signed the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery in 1865. On June 30, 1948, President Harry Truman signed an invoice proclaiming Feb first because the first official National Freedom Day inside the u . s . states . States.

Feb first Celebrated (instead of So Celebrated) History

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Feb first Celebrated (instead of So Celebrated) History

Hattie Caraway – 1878

In 1932, Caraway elevated to obtain the initial lady elected for that Senate. She’d been hired the last year to fill her husband’s seat because of his dying.

John Ford – 1895

The American film director was perfect for his westerns starring John Wayne. Also, he adapted the John Steinbeck novel, Grapes of Wrath.

Clark Gable – 1901

Among Hollywood’s foremost leading men with the first half in the 20th century, Gable was famous for films like Gone while using the Wind, It Happened One Evening, along with the Misfits.

Langston Hughes – 1902

The American poet within the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes also authored several plays, novels, and essays. He’s best for his poem “Harlem.”

Vivian Maier – 1926

For fifty years the road professional professional professional photographer taken our planet then hid it away. Not until after her dying was her historic collection revealed around the globe.