Mental well-being is a topic most people often throw at the backburner, only considering it when things begin spiraling out of control. Unlike physical health decline, indicators of deteriorating mental health take time to exhibit themselves. That’s one reason why most people neglect looking after their mental well-being. Eventually, they find themselves in the clutches of declining mental health and the onset of chronic psychological issues.
If this sounds all too familiar, it’s about time you prioritized your mental health. And New Year is the best time to make substantial changes to your lifestyle to attain overall well-being.
We have prepared a list of resolutions you can make to improve your mental health. Continue reading to kickstart this journey.
Messages and phone calls are all our relationships have been limited to nowadays. This distance has led to further isolation, anxiety, and depression. Face-to-face socialization can be uplifting and energizing. More convincingly, it can give a sense of security and belonging.
So, hang out with your friends and colleagues, look for opportunities to meet new people, or plan family meetups. Social connectedness is a viable and proven way to boost your mental well-being since it instills feelings of belongingness.
However, if you feel like you’re mental health is declining and no strategy is proving worthwhile, consider seeking professional help. Mental health experts can help with depression and other well-being challenges.
2. Focus on what you feed yourself
Why do you think we get angry when we are hungry? Science says this is due to low blood sugar levels. These go down when we have not eaten in a while. Our body tries to make up for this by releasing adrenaline and cortisol. One is a ‘fight-or-flight’ hormone, while the other controls stress. The result is an irritable mood along with anger.
A few changes you can make today include avoiding preservatives, food coloring, and highly processed items. Swap them with healthier options like whole grains high in fiber and antioxidants. Vitamin D is also vital for good mental health since it aids the production of serotonin (the happy hormone).
3. Create a work-life balance
The pandemic has blurred all lines between personal and professional life. Attending online office meetings after working hours has become a norm. This culture is the reason behind severe burnout and stress.
You must understand the importance of separating work and social life. However, striking this balance might be challenging. Begin by setting boundaries at work. Communicate your displeasure at working after office hours. Also, ensure that your colleagues only call you after office hours for urgent work.
Moreover, you must decline to take on more tasks than you can handle. Doing this will lead to lesser stress and more time to spend with family and friends. Try to have dinner with your family each night. It will give you insights into what is going on in their lives. You can also spend this time alone doing something for yourself.
4. Treat yourself better
Self-care is not just a fancy term. It significantly affects our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Most of us are not comfortable in our own company. We like to be surrounded by people, not to seem lonely. However, the constant chatter does not allow us to connect with ourselves.
Emotional and mental well-being begins with self-care. Solving a puzzle or going to the spa alone will help you befriend yourself. You can even journal your feelings to practice acceptance and make an effort to think positively.
This self-reflection can only take place when you spend time with yourself. It might even result in high self-esteem.
5. Exercise regularly
Working out is a free anti-depressant that offers countless benefits. It releases endorphins and serotonin to improve your mood. A 15-minute workout every day will energize you and make you productive.
We understand that it is challenging to exercise regularly, but that’s because we perceive it as a dreadful activity. Physical activity is not limited to planks and weightlifting. You can opt for swimming, cycling, or running to get your muscles moving. Such activities will also lead to greater opportunities to socialize with others.
6. Try journaling
Sometimes it gets too challenging to understand and process our emotions. It can also be overwhelming trying to share it with someone. Journaling is the best way to express ourselves and our emotions.
Having a diary to record all your ups and downs can help improve your mental health. It allows you to acknowledge your thoughts without the fear of being judged. So, this new year, get a nice notebook and journal your thoughts and feelings whenever you get time to yourself.
2023 is fast approaching, and this is the perfect time to prioritize your mental well-being. While we mostly spend time and effort boosting physical health, mental well-being deserves the same commitment. So, start by socializing since it enhances feelings of belongingness. Be attentive to what you eat since an unhealthy diet leads to mood swings. Incorporate exercise into your routine and try journaling. Soon, you’ll realize how effective these resolutions are in improving your psychological well-being.