6 Quick SEO Tips to Increase Organic Traffic

How do I get my website to rank higher in Google? This is what most people think all the time when they see their competitors’ site rank higher in search results.

The answer is SEO.

SEO is a way to increase your website’s search engine ranking and organic traffic to your website. SEO is the process of optimizing your website for search engines, so they can find it helpful and rank it.

Here are some quick tips to help you optimize your website for search engines.

Improve existing content with missing subtopics

Most first drafts aren’t perfect, especially if you’re writing for SEO purposes. However, there are ways to improve your content by using tools such as ahrefs.com/content-gap. The tool can help you identify the keywords that the top-ranking page ranked for, but your page didn’t.

Once you identify the pages which you need to optimize then start adding to those keywords in your content where needed. You can also your keyword ranking checker tools after updating your content to check where it appears for your target keywords.

Revamping old content with the latest information sends the signal to Google that there is something new and they should check it out.

Send emails to link back

Backlinks are important ranking factors, but link building can often be a chore. You need to find prospects and their email addresses, and then somehow convince these people to link to you.

You can hunter.io to find emails of the website owners whom you want to reach out to. Make your email short and to the point when sending it out.

Don’t try to be smart and give them a reason why they should link back to your website. For example – you can show them they are missing certain topics on their blog which you can offer by linking your webpage.

Add internal links to new pages

Internal links are backlinks from your pages to other pages on your website. Adding them helps visitors navigate from one page to another. Google also uses these links as an indicator of link authority.

Add internal links when you create content on your website. Search Google for site:yourdomain.com “keywords” to find relevant opportunities.

When doing internal linking make sure you link it with your anchor text and also form the pages that are relevant to your topic. For example – if I have a page of SEO tips, then I would look for the page which contains SEO terms in it and will link back to it.

You shouldn’t ignore internal linking and do it wherever is possible.

Do content audit

Content audits are done to check if the articles you write are useful and up-to-date. You should run an annual content audit and update the outdated content. If possible then you should delete them.

Many website owners noticed that their traffic went up by 7.57% after updating their old pages. If you use WordPress, install the find WordPress plugins to run a content audit. You can get suggestions for updating old articles.

Repurpose article as videos

People enjoy different content formats based on their personal preferences. Some people like videos, while others prefer reading. An easy way to reach a larger audience is to repurpose blog posts into videos.

Let’s you have a post – How to Find Best AppSumo Lifetime Deals, you can convert that post into video and share it on the video-sharing platform and get traffic to your website.

Fix pages with broken backlinks

Backlinks to dead pages are waste of time. You should filter out 404 pages in Best by Links report in Site Explorer. If there are any pages that refer to your site, then those backlinks will be broken. You can reinstate them or delete them depending on what you want to achieve.

Request a link change: If somebody made a mistake when linking you, then it’s worth reaching out about it. Just be sure that it’s only worth correcting these issues if the dead URLs have high-quality backlinks. If not, it might be better to leave them as 404s.

You can check the overall quality of a page’s links by looking at the Backlinks report. This page has some valuable links pointing to it, but most of them are useless. However, this page also has a couple of useful links, so we should redirect it.

Final Thoughts!

When you want to increase your traffic organically then you shouldn’t ignore SEO. SEO is one the best and effective to generate quality traffic but it requires patience and planning.

Following the above-mentioned tips, you can increase your keywords ranking and eventually increase your website traffic