Mood swings are abrupt feelings of Frustration, anger and anxiety. This is totally normal, unless it disrupts your day to day living as it has been observed in most patients with Attention defeceit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). There are many ways to help manage ADHD related mood swings. Mood
1 Medication
Medication is one of the most effective ways of treating the mood swings. Modafinil is a good example of medication that can be used to treat ADHD related mood swings. Modafinil is a racemic mixture of it’s R and S Isomers. It is sold under many brands which include Waklert, Modalert, Modvigil 200 and many more.
How modafinil helps in dealing with mood swings
According to research, Modafinil increases the amount of dopamine in a human’s brain.
Dopamine is Mono-amine neurotransmitter that helps in facilitation of pleasure and motivation which results in mood uplift, just what you need when you are experiencing mood swings.
Furthermore, Buy Modafinil induces an increase in norepinephrine another Mono-amine neurotransmitter. Norepinephrine mediates arousal which improves your mode. It also elevates alertness as well as attention which thereby countering one of the effects of ADHD and consequently reducing agitation a major component of a bad mode.
In addition to that, Modalert 200 modafinil also helps in the increase of serotonin and Glutamate. Serotonin is an amino acid that works as chemical messenger which is directly involved in the hiking of feelings if wellbeing and happiness.
Glutamate is another amino acid, it is considered as the most plentiful and independent amino acid in the brain. It is the leading excitatory neurotransmitter in the human central nervous system thus has the biggest role to play in exciting nerve cells. On top of that glutamate helps improve learning and memory functions that are affected by ADHD and lead to mood swings due to Frustrations.
2 Stimulate your parasympathetic Nervous System
When you get stressed as a result of mood swings, the sympathetic nervous system is Stimulated. This puts your body in a flight or fight mode, where adrenaline, blood pressure and heart rate increase. This is the complete opposite of the requirements of a good mood. To counter the effects of stress on the sympathetic nervous system, one has to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is regarded as the rest and digest system of the autonomic nervous system that helps the body calm down in that it also induces energy serving processes. The system can be called into action by practicing symple therapeutic techniques like Deep breathing, peripheral vision and the yawn
3 Exercise
Exercise Increase blood flow to the brain therefore providing it with blood rich in oxygen. This not only helps in the maintenance of old brain cells but also helps in the production of new ones, this is important to have a healthy brain. In addition to that Exercise triggers the release of Endorphins. Endorphins are peptide hormones that causes feeling of Euphoria and counters the negative effects of stress.
4 Getting Enough Rest
When people are tired they get agitated easily and very sorry impatient thus they can easily get anxious or stressed of something very simple. Further more Research has shown that insufficient sleep affects the brains emotional processing; hence lack of sleep will lead you to worrying more often. For this reason it’s very important to get enough sleep and take breaks while you are working just to give your brain some breathing space.
5 Have fun
Having fun is arguably the best way of relieving stress because when you are having fun your attention shifts from what gives you stress to what you are enjoying this makes the brain function like there was no stress in the first place
6 Open up
Staying in Isolation or keeping quiet is not a good idea for someone whose battling anxiety or depression. Talking to someone about how you are feeling not only helps you get it off your chest but also puts you in a position to be helped as
7 Learn more about your condition.
This enables you to know what triggers these feelings, what exactly to do when you face these tough times, how to shift your focus from what triggers the stress to something that going to feel better, and most importantly how to prevent them.
8 Practice positive venting
This refers to the expression of a strong emotion like anger or anxiety in the most cautious way. Depending on the type of person you are you can let out you strong feelings in a particular way.
- For some people crying would be the most effective way of letting there strong emotions out.
- On the other hand creating art like paintings, music or drawings is the most effective way of letting strong emotions out
- At the same time one would prefer to punch in a pillow scream in one or just kick something as a way of letting out strong emotions. Find out what works best for you and put it into practice the next you are in a similar situation.