A Basic Guide on Cyber Attacks for Beginners!

In today’s digital age, it is more important than ever to be aware of cyber security threats. The exponential growth of internet interconnections has led to the significant growth of cyber-attacks. Therefore, the need for cybersecurity is more important than ever!

Cyber attackers aim to gain unauthorized access to the systems and steal confidential data for malicious activities. Read on to learn about them!

Types of Cyber Attacks

Some common types of cyber security attacks include:


This is an attack where an attacker sends an email that appears to be from a legitimate source to trick the victim into clicking the link or attachment. The goal is to steal sensitive data.


It is a software specifically designed to damage the victim’s devices. It can spread through email attachments or by visiting websites that contain viruses. When activated, it blocks access to the key networks and installs harmful software.

Denial of Service (DoS)

This is a cyber-attack in which the attacker makes a system unavailable to the user by flooding it with requests. Thus, the system, in such cases, cannot respond to the requests. Cyber attackers use this time to disable your network and steal data.

SQL Injection

This is an attack where the attacker inserts malicious code into the served via server query. When the server is infected, hackers gain access to sensitive data.

Signs of a Cyber Security Attack

Many signs can indicate that your system has been compromised. Some of the most common signs are listed below.

  • If your computer is affected by viruses, it causes your computer to display unexpected pop-ups or ads. If you see these, it is an indication that your system has been infected.
  • Malware slows down your system, causing it to run slowly. If you notice that your system is much slower than usual.
  • If your homepage suddenly changes or you are redirected to a different website, your system may have been hijacked.
  • Some unusual software has been installed.
  • You are unable to access some files because they are encrypted.
  • No control over some functions of your system.

These are just some of the signs that can indicate that your system has been compromised. If you see any of these, it is important to take action immediately to protect your data and prevent further damage.

Ways to Prevent Cyber Security Attacks

A good internet provider can give you an extra layer of security by including antivirus features that can protect your system from cyber-attacks. Therefore, you should always choose a reliable service provider that provides you with the online security you need.

Reach out to Windstream Kinetic internet if you are looking for secure internet services. You can contact Windstream customer service to learn more about their packages.


Moreover, there are many ways that you can prevent cyber security attacks. Some of the most effective methods are listed below.

Using Strong Passwords

Passwords should be more than eight characters and should contain a mixture of symbols and letters. Never use common names or your birthplace. If you are unsure about the passwords, use password managers to create a strong password.

Keep Your Software up to Date

Software updates often include security fixes for newly discovered vulnerabilities. Attackers try to find ways to exploit the software that has vulnerabilities. Make sure you keep your software up to date.

Keeping your software up to date can help protect your system from attack.

Use a Firewall

Firewall security tools create strong internal segmentation that helps to prevent attacks before they even reach your system. Several tools protect from different attacks.

A firewall can help to block incoming traffic from known malicious sources. It also prevents malware installation from unknown sources.

Backup Your Data

When your system is compromised, all your data can be lost. It is important to have a backup of all your data. This way, you can restore your system and minimize your data and serious financial loss.

Final Thoughts

Hackers have more opportunities than ever to access our personal information. Cyber-attacks can have serious consequences, from stealing our identity to holding our data for ransom. That is why we must take steps to protect ourselves from these threats.

Keeping our software up to date and using strong passwords can make it much harder for hackers to access our accounts. In addition, being aware of common frauds and phishing attempts can help us avoid becoming victims of cybercrime. By taking these precautions, we can help keep our information safe from criminals.