Heart Healthy Diet: Foods You Should Consume !

Your heart works like a machine 24/7. But like every other machine, it requires fuel. By fuel, it doesn’t mean petrol or gas, but the food that you consume. But with food, you have to be very careful. You need to feed your body some healthy food options in order to make your heat work well.

The top chest specialist in Islamabad suggests that a healthy diet with some of the lifestyle changes can do wonders for heart health. But what foods to choose you might be wondering. Here are a number of food options to consume in order to keep your heart pumping and your blood vessels thriving.


Salmon is one of the fishes with the highest percentage 3 of  Omega-3 fatty acids. This when consumed can lower the risk of abnormal heartbeats, slow down the production of plaque in your arteries and slightly lower the blood pressure.

Try and consume the salmon that is raised in the farms. As the wild ones contain lesser amounts of Omega -3 fatty acids.

Kidney Beans 

Beans contain a huge amount of insoluble fiber, magnesium, calcium and yes you guessed it right, omega-3 fatty acids. This food is so versatile that you can add it in soups, gravies and even make a proper meal out of it.

Try out black beans with avocado on whole-grain pita bread. Or you can combine it with corn kernels and onions to make stuffed bell peppers. Beans can be added to salads in a good quantity. Combine both black and kidney beans to prepare a whole vegetarian meal for yourself.

Flaxseed (Ground)

Flaxseed contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. It is extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This is one of those foods that are highly rich in lignans that are a great source of both plant estrogens and antioxidant qualities.

It is very easy to incorporate flaxseed into your diet. Sprinkle it over your breakfast, add it on your muffins, eat it with yogurt or just have them in your smoothie.


For a heart-healthy nut,  almonds are the best choice you can opt for. Nuts have been proven to lower your cholesterol levels. They contain plant omega -3 fatty acids, magnesium, fiber, vitamin E, and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are heart-friendly.

Keep a check that the almonds you consume are roasted and raw. Avoid having fried almonds and keep the portion size in mind as they are high in fat content too. Almonds are calorie-dense food, which means that a little can go a long way. Choose unsalted ones to keep your cardiac health even better. Combine them with different foods, it’s better to take nuts in the first meal of the day – breakfast.

Soy Milk

Soy Milk contains isoflavones (a type of flavonoid) which brings a lot of nutrition to the diet. These nutrients contain, folate, calcium magnesium, and B- complex vitamins.

The protein found in soy milk, if compared with animal milk, provides a lot of benefits to the heart and decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Use soy milk in your whole grain breakfast cereal or add it to your smoothie.


Tofu is consumed mostly by vegetarians and vegans. But it is a protein-rich food. It is full of heart-friendly nutrients like folate, calcium, magnesium, and niacin. Tofu is only beneficial to the heart if you eat it in certain manners.

Don’t consume processed foods that contain tofu in them, as it is highly risky for people with heart issues.


Spinach comes with a full package of Vitamin C, E, potassium, beta-carotene, and folate. Freshly harvested spinach is way better than a frozen one. It contains more folate than the one that is frozen.

However, fresh spinach’s folate degrades over time. If you drive your spinach for a long distance before it reaches your table or stays in the fridge. It can be very nutritious in frozen form too.

Final Thought 

Along with these diet changes, keep visiting your doctor and keep your cholesterol levels normal. Take control of your health and exercise 4 to 5 days a week. Avoid taking too much stress as it leads to disrupting the systems of the body which eventually affects heart health.