How To Treat Neck Pain From Your Own Home

Neck Pain From Your Own Home

Get to know the top 3 methods for treating a stiff neck from the comfort of your home and say goodbye to any existing pain.

One of the most common causes of neck pain is caused by bad posture, which most of the planet’s population suffers from, but this is not the only one. Sitting still for long hours, repeatedly performing the same tasks, not moving enough, and many others are also responsible for a stiff neck.

In this article, you can find the top 3 ways to eliminate neck pain once and for all, which do not involve any expensive education or device, so you can implement them as soon as possible and use the one that helps you the most.

Apply Heat Or Ice

When suffering from neck pain, it is recommended that you visit a head and neck physio clinic for treatment, however, for temporary relief, you can apply ice for the first 24 to 72 hours, to later use heat to relieve the sensation. Either should be applied for about 20-minute intervals with a period of 40 minutes of break. Furthermore, the ice and heat pad should be wrapped in a towel or other fabric that prevents the cold and warm material from touching your skin; thus, it can cause burns and damage to the surface.

In addition to this, doctors recommend continuing to move moderately to avoid further damage or pain. You can gently move your head around in between your cold/heat pad appliances to keep blood properly circulation.


The most common causes of neck pain are bad posture and poor movement activity throughout the day (such as working sitting for long periods, constantly holding your phone in between your shoulder and ear, and other situations that cause your neck to be still for hours) which can be solved with some simple and effective stretches.

These exercises can be performed during or after a warm shower/bath that helps your muscles to relax and release accumulated tension. Slowly turning your head from side to side carefully and being mindful of your pain zones while holding your chin for about 20 seconds per side can improve your posture and help your neck feel less tense. Another effective stretch involves tilting your head to one side and touching your shoulder while applying pressure to your temple with the same hand that your head is tilted. If you feel any discomfort or increased pain, it is highly recommended to stop stretching immediately to prevent further injuries and worsening your neck pain.

Invest In A Quality Pillow

If you find yourself with a stiff neck after a night’s sleep, there’s a good chance that the cause of your pain might be your pillow or your mattress. Carefully assessing both can help you determine which to replace, but it is always recommended (as well as more affordable) to begin with your pillow. Harder pillows have been considered the best for keeping your neck supported and safe during the night in comparison with lighter-weighted ones.

What’s more, doctors recommend investing in soft neck collars for day use. People who work long hours in front of a computer or those who have to perform manual tasks are more prone to suffering from neck pain, which a soft neck collar can help solve. These are great for keeping in a bag as well as for long car trips that can increase your existing pain.