Isotonic Drinks For Athletes !

According To-Isotonic Drinks For Athletes ! , The sugar content of an isotonic drink for athletes is between 4g and 8g per 100ml, which mimics body fluids.

Isotonic Drinks

Dehydration is a common occurrence in sports, especially in a hot and humid country like ours. Dehydration occurs when the athlete loses water and salts through perspiration, which has a negative effect on the athlete. If you think about it, even mild dehydration can make the difference between gold and silver medals. Extreme dehydration affects vital organs, such as the kidneys, brain, and heart, as they require a minimum amount of water and salt.


When you begin an intense activity, such as a sport competition or running a marathon, your heart rate will increase and you may start to feel flushed. This is the body’s way of cooling itself off through sweating. Your body starts to draw from its glycogen reserves, located in the liver, in order to provide fuel for the strenuous exercise. With glycogen being used up, you will become more parched. As your supply dwindles, your body will switch to burning fat as its fuel source which is less efficient and will make you even thirstier.


The core temperature of our body is usually around 98.6 Fahrenheit, however this can jump to 370 Celsius when athletes are engaging in sports activities. This causes increased sweat production in order to regulate the body temperature and, unfortunately, leads to a loss of electrolytes. Electrolytes are a combination of minerals like chloride, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium; each with its own function – calcium aids muscle contractions, potassium helps maintain normal blood pressure, magnesium keeps protein-fluid levels stable and sodium alongside chloride works to ensure fluid balance.

Sweat Physiological Effects on Body Weight

Performance Impairment of 2%

4% Weakness and incapacity to perform muscular tasks

Heat exhaustion is 5%

Hallucinations: 7%

Approximately 10% of the population suffers from circulatory collapse and heat stroke


Running a marathon or playing competitive sports exhausts your glycogen stores. Glycogen is a longer chain version of glucose and it is stored in the muscles and liver. A typical athlete’s carbohydrate stores are:

A 70kg male athlete has 90g of liver glycogen and 400g of muscle glycogen

A female athlete weighing 60 kg has 70 grams of liver glycogen and 300 grams of muscle glycogen

A large portion of your stored glycogen will be exhausted if your activity lasts for more than two hours. When you exercise for two hours or more, your body consumes 3-4 grams of glycogen per minute. It will take 24-48 hours for muscle and liver glycogen to recover after exercise if these carbs are not supplied in time.

The third step is dehydration

It’s a no-brainer that sweating leads to fluid loss. The body needs to be rehydrated by drinking 16 ounces (approximately 2 cups) of fluid for each pound (453g) lost from physical activity. A person’s ability to retain fluid depends on how fast it is emptied from their stomach and how fast it is absorbed through their small intestine.

In addition, plain water does not contain carbs or electrolytes, which make it ineffective for rehydrating.


There are dissolved substances in any rehydrating liquid, even plain water has minerals. Other rehydrating liquids include sports drinks, which contain glucose with water or antioxidants. The more concentrated solution moves towards the less concentrated solution when two liquids of varying concentrations meet, as described in school science classes. There are three kinds of sports drinks or rehydrating drinks: isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic.

A hypotonic beverage has a lower concentration than your body. Providing less than 4g of carbs per 100g, it’s great for quenching thirst, but not as suitable for providing energy. Quickly absorbed by the body, it is ideal for activities with minimal physical demand, such as recreational sports. Hypotonic drinks are perfect to replenish fluids lost while sweating and works well for athletes who don’t need the extra carbs from other drinks, like jockeys and gymnasts.

In general, a hypertonic drink contains more than 8g of sugar per 100ml and is thicker than body fluids. Generally, hypertonic drinks are meant to supply energy. They are absorbed more slowly than water. Sportspersons who need more energy during their training can benefit from hypertonic drinks to replenish glycogen stores. You need to drink a hypertonic drink and a hypotonic drink to replace fluids.

Due to its higher concentration of sugar, it is also ideal for less strenuous, long-term activities such as studying (glucose is the brain’s fuel), driving, and gaming. Also Read-Isotonic Drinks For Athletes !


It has been determined that the right amount of carbohydrate in your drink is between 5 and 7 percent. An isotonic drink for athletes generally has sugar/ carbohydrate content in it per 100ml, which mimics your body fluid. The body absorbs isotonic drinks more quickly than water. Not only do these drinks quench thirst quickly, but they are also ideal for endurance sports.

Electrolytes are replenished

Isotonic drinks replenish electrolytes in a better way than hypotonic, hypertonic, and energy drinks. A 1998 study from Netherlands published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine compared the effects of a caffeinated drink, a low-sodium mineral water, and an isotonic carbohydrate-electrolyte solution on cyclists. Even after urinary and sweating losses, those who consumed isotonic drinks were able to retain more sodium, magnesium, and calcium in their bodies.

Glycogen top- off is faster

Athletes continue to use glucose as a quick-acting source of energy, but this energy has a limited supply in the body. It takes more than 24 hours for an athlete to replenish their glycogen reserves after a two-hour intense workout. An isotonic drink quickly replenishes the athlete’s glycogen reserves.

Improved hydration

There’s a question, though: why do you even need such rehydrating solutions? Why can’t plain water do the trick? Water exits your system quickly, leaving you feeling bloated.Isotonic Drinks For Athletes !

Enhancement of endurance

According to a 1990 study published in the European Journal of Physiology, isotonic drinks offer 24 percent more hydration than a placebo.

Choose an isotonic drink, like MuscleBlaze Isotonic that contains amino acids, like glutamine, along with sugar to speed up your recovery.