Menstrual Migraine: Here’s What Can Be Done To Cure It !

According To- Menstrual Migraine: Here’s What Can Be Done To Cure It ! , Menstrual Migraine: Here’s What Can Be Done To Cure It !There are many difficulties around that time of the month, and menstrual migraine can be one of them. These migraine headaches can be caused by a variety of factors including age, gender, family history, and so on. Hormonal changes are one of the triggers for this headache.

Menstrual Migraine

Hormonal headaches are migraine headaches caused by a drop in the levels of oestrogen and progesterone hormones before menstruation or pregnancy.

Hormonal headaches are caused by female hormones, which may develop during or after puberty.

For migraine headaches during period cycle, there are several proven home remedies that seem to work.

Menstrual migraine is one type of migraine headache. It is different from regular headaches since the pain is much more severe on one side of the head. Other types include migraines with auras, migraines without auras, and chronic migraines.

The table of contents

Symptoms of menstrual migraine

A menstrual migraine can have an aura or not, and the symptoms are similar to those of other migraines:

Headaches that are numb or severe

Headache on one side only

Chills suddenly

Excessive sweating

Vomiting and nausea

Pain in the abdomen

Light and noise sensitivity

Appetite loss

Scalp tenderness

Skin that is pale in color

Blurred vision and dizziness

Diarrhea is sometimes experienced

Treatment for menstrual migration

Treatments for menstrual migraine headaches are similar to those for other migraine headaches. There are a few medicinal treatments that might be helpful:

Menstrual migraine is typically treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These should be taken two or three days before the period begins.

NSAIDs may also be combined with triptans or ditans to get quick results. Triptans should be taken two or three days before periods to prevent migraines.

It is also beneficial to take small doses of ergotamine or dihydroergotamine drugs.

Migraine prevention medications include:

Propranolol is a beta-blocker drug

Inhibitors of convulsions

Verapamil and nimodipine are calcium channel blockers

Patches, gels, and pills containing estrogen

The contraceptive pill

A few side effects of these medications include fatigue, nausea, sleepiness, numbness, shivers, and hotness.

The massage

Massage is not proven to relieve migraines, but many have recommended that it eases headaches and relaxes the body.

Techniques for relaxing

Relaxing methods that help with headaches during period include breathing exercises, muscle relaxation techniques, and guided imagery.

Supplements containing magnesium

There is a link between low magnesium levels and headaches. Magnesium supplements are highly recommended for this condition, but they have side effects like diarrhoea.

The importance of reducing salt intake

It is better to control salt intake during periods to prevent headaches and migraines.

The feverfew

Herb feverfew contains positive components that can help migraine headaches, but supplements may cause heartburn, body pain, fatigue, and diarrhoea or constipation.

Coenzyme Q10 is 7.

During menstruation, coenzyme can prevent headaches by acting as an antioxidant.

The butterbur

As a migraine treatment, butterbur rhizome can decrease pain and headaches. It may also cause mild stomach pains or belching. Also Read-Menstrual Migraine: Here’s What Can Be Done To Cure It !

The use of biofeedback

You can reduce headaches using biofeedback by learning how your body responds to stress, which affects the autonomic nervous system. In this process, you learn how the body reacts to stress and how to control it. By providing a beneficial inside of the body, it can help the individual fight back against the stressors that trigger migraines.

The ice pack

If you have a mild headache, try applying a cold cloth or an ice pack to the painful area. This might have a numbing effect.

Essential Oils

Mind and body can be relaxed by these oils.

Additionally, you can reduce headaches by getting consistent quality sleep, exercising regularly, eating healthily, staying hydrated, managing stress, and avoiding trigger foods.

Migraine Diagnosis and Tests

Migraines and migraines causes cannot be diagnosed by examination – they are mostly guessed based on symptoms and other factors.

Specialists may plan a professional treatment plan for migraines based on the area, severity, durations, frequency, and triggers of your migraine symptoms.

Discuss past medications, activities, foods, stressors, or situations that preceded the pain can be helpful. Other factors such as family history should also be considered.

During this process, imaging tests such as CT scans and MRIs are performed to rule out any other causes. An electroencephalogram is also performed to rule out seizures.

Migraine Attack Triggers

Multiple triggers can cause headaches and migraines besides hormonal changes.

The perimenopause

During the menopausal phase, there are fluctuations in hormone levels, which result in stress, headaches, and other symptoms.

The pregnancy

Hormone levels and blood flow increase during the early stages of pregnancy, which can result in headaches.

The use of hormone replacement therapy

According to many studies, hormone replacement therapy for menopause or feminine-affirming hormone therapy can also cause headaches.

The oophorectomy

A procedure that removes the ovaries is called an oophorectomy, which can affect hormone levels and lead to headaches.

The use of birth control pills

As a result of reduced oestrogen levels, birth control pills can also cause headaches.

As a result of childbirth

The oestrogen levels drop significantly after childbirth. There are many stress-inducing factors and sleep deprivation that can cause headaches.

Menstrual Migraine Diet Plans

Menstrual migraines can be managed with certain foods. They can control the hormonal effects and reduce the stress on the neurological system.

The nuts

The seeds

The avocado

Fish with fat

Chocolates of the dark variety

Vegetables with green leaves

The banana

The oatmeal


The sesame seed

The carrot

Menstrual migraine foods to avoid

It is important to avoid foods that can adversely affect blood sugar regulation during menstruation. Foods containing glutamates can also cause hormonal problems, as they can build up in neurons and cause damage. Here’s what to avoid while you’re suffering from menstrual migraine:

The bread

The beef

The chicken

Food preservatives

Menstruation is the period during which hormones play a significant role in headaches. Before the menstrual cycle begins, oestrogen levels drop. Our body struggles to regulate the neuro-hormonal system properly, resulting in symptoms such as cravings, mood swings, cramps, and heavy bleeding. All of these symptoms are related to menstrual migraine.

As oestrogen hormones are balanced by progesterone hormones, it is also important to manage these hormones. There are many vitamin C-based foods that can help regulate progesterone hormones.Menstrual Migraine: Here’s What Can Be Done To Cure It !

In order to control migraine headaches and other symptoms, it is important to identify the symptoms and map the body’s response.